Che Guevara – The Guerilla Warfare

Coproduction avec Dorothee Wenner et Detlef Kuhlbrodt • 1994 • 9 minutes • Couleur • Super 8

"In Cuba it is hot and sunny. Everybody loves Che Guevara. Ernesto Che Guevara: Physician, friend, Minister, revolutionary. It is October. 25 years ago Che was shot by cowardly American mercenaries. He remains unforgotten. We went to Cuba in order to think of him.
"The partisan lives beneath the open sky. He knows the area. That is one of the most important factors of the guerilla warfare."
"Women can cope with the heavy conditions of the partisan life very well. Shoulder to shoulder they stand with the men and can be entrusted with the heaviest tasks. Women care for a certain order in the life of the partisans and through certain conveniences manage to make life easier for whole partisan-communities. Against the statements of some people they do not decompose the moral of a group of partisans by their presence in any way."
The book "The Guerilla Warfare" was published in the GDR's military publishing house, it shows descriptively how people can defeat their oppressors and achieve liberty."

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