Pep Ventura

2019 • 2.31 min • b&w • Super 8


Hello hello, this is my first time in my life in Barcelona!

I love to ride the subway in cities that I do not know yet. I love the station names. My favorite name is: Pep Ventura.

Pep Ventura! That sounds like a peppy adventure life! Or a spicy meal! Pep Ventura!

I go there. The Pep Ventura place is desolate and boring, but anyway … what is a Pep? What is a Ventura?

I read and I learn: Pep Ventura was a Catalan musician. A poor boy who lived with his grandfather and played on handmade flutes. He spiced up the Cobla and the Sardana with new flutes and composed 550 songs.

click + watch it on Vimeo!